of color

Calligraphers of Color is an inclusive online community that provides resources for and highlights BIPOC calligraphers and their businesses.



an inclusive community of bipoc calligraphers and letterers

*BIPOC = Black and Indigenous People of Color


learn more

about us


Representation matters in every field and industry, which is we created this community to highlight and empower under-represented racial groups within the calligraphy and lettering space.

We aim to do this by featuring BIPOC calligraphy artists, hosting workshops taught by BIPOC lettering instructors, making learning calligraphy accessible to diverse groups of people, and empowering calligraphy business owners with strategies to grow & be successful.

We also hope to connect BIPOC calligraphers with those who are specifically seeking calligraphy and lettering services from Black and/or Brown calligraphy artists through our free directory. A quick google search will show you how hard it is to find a “black calligrapher” in your local area. We hope to change that!



  • diversity

  • community


The Black Calligraphers


Looking to hire a Black or POC calligraphy artist? Search our directory list of Black and BIPOC calligraphers for weddings, live events, chalkboards, workshops, murals, engraving, freelance work, licensing, and more.


Calligraphers of Color Merch is here! Shop our store for apparel, stickers, tote bags, and more!




Our number one goal is to empower Black and Brown calligraphers to level up their skills and their businesses! Check out our resources to learn more about calligraphy, lettering, and having a calligraphy business from BIPOC calligraphers!


JOIN US & STAY CONNECTED! We are an inclusive group of BIPOC calligraphers and letters. Here are a few ways you can stay connected and join our community:


What the People are Saying:

  • "CALLIGRAPHERS OF COLOR has shown me there are more people our there like me I can look up to & follow. It has given me great insight into furthering my art & even starting a business. I feel encouraged to do so much more than I thought I was going to do by people that look like me. Thank you to everyone in this group!"

  • "I used to be conscious of showing my hands in my calligraphy pics/vids but after finding COC, I actually want to show my shade of skin!"

  • "COC has motivated & inspired me to keep trying new things with my business and that women of color can do anything!"

  • "COC gave me a real home within the calligraphy community. I never realized how much of an outsider I felt like until finding all of y'all! I finally feel like I belong and I actually cried the first time I saw the compilation of hands that look like mine performing gorgeous calligraphy designs. I am forever grateful for this space."

  • "In this group I found a huge support system and it also opens my eyes to. more people of color like me from around the world! ❤️ Thank you for this opportunity!"

  • "Calligraphers of Color has given me the confidence to branch out with my art. I was afraid to be visible before this because it seemed like I didn't fit the mold of who a calligrapher was in [a] white dominated wedding industry. Thank you!!"